The inclusive education is viewed as educational processes that includes all learners and meet the need of their involvement through a growing participation in learning, cultural and community life. It also has the goal of reducing the number of those excluded from ordinary schools or education system. It involves changing and adapting content, approaches, structures and strategies to educate all children in the same schools and classroom. Indeed, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RD Congo) does not have the explicit legal foundation and financial, material, technological and human resources for an “inclusive education", the Handicap International (HI) has come to the rescue. In 2009, the first experience of the pilot project was aimed at enrolling massively children living with disabilities in ordinary schools. In addition, Handicap International participates in the Working group set up by the government to renovate the country's education system towards an inclusive system. For the 2010-2011 school year, 1069 children living with disabilities were enrolled in the 14 schools targeted by this project, an increase of almost 30% compared to 2009. This exploratory study makes the state of inclusive education in the DRC by highlighting the challenges and perspectives.
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