Indiscipline in school greatly affects the quality of teaching and learning which results to poor results, dropouts, and wastage of resources invested by stakeholders of education such as parents, and the government. The study made use of descriptive survey research design; and it was guided by five research questions and three research hypotheses. A sample size of two hundred teachers was drawn by stratified sampling technique from three local educational zones in Osun State using six public and four private secondary schools. The instrument tagged” Perception of Teachers on Students’ Indiscipline in Nigerian Secondary Schools” (PTSINSS) was adapted and validated by two experts in Test and Measurement and Counselling Psychology. The test-retest reliability co-efficient of the instrument was 0.84.Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as percentage, mean, t- value and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study showed that there is a significant difference between male and female teachers’ perception on school-based factors that causes indiscipline of secondary school students in Osun State; there is a significant difference between school-based and societal-based factors that causes indiscipline in secondary schools as perceived by teachers in Osun State; and .teachers’ years of experience do not significantly influence the possible solutions to curb students’ indiscipline. In conclusion, indiscipline of students could lead to closure of schools, wanton destruction of property, corruption of differ kinds, moral decadence and loss of lives. The parents, school authorities, the society and the government should take proactive measures against this social menace by ensuring that good behaviour and conditions are inculcated, established and maintained for effective learning in schools.
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