Science learning that is carried out by educators so far still separates formal science knowledge from everyday experience, so students assume that science lessons have no connection with their lives. Teaching materials presented in these teaching materials are rarely associated with actual objects or events in the real world that are familiar with students. Problems presented contain idealized objects and events that are not related to the reality of students. This study aims to: describe the effect of the results of developing contextual-based teaching materials on students’ critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes. The research design used was the research and development of the Dick & Carrey model. The research subjects were class VII students from several junior high schools in Paringin. The experimental class accepts learning using contextual based teaching material, while the control class accepts conventional learning on the topic of material classification and its changes. The results showed that: (1) contextual-based teaching material proved to have a positive influence on student learning outcomes this was seen from the completeness obtained, and (2) contextual-based teaching materials influence the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills.
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