Rahmatul Hasanah, Ahmad Suriansyah


The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) Relationship between school culture and OCB of Muhammadiyah Vocational Schools in Banjarmasin, (2) Relationship between work motivation and OCB of Muhammadiyah Vocational Schools in Banjarmasin, (3) The relationship between school culture and work motivation together with OCB of Muhammadiyah Vocational Schools in Banjarmasin. The research used a quantitative research approach with descriptive methods. The population in this study were all teachers of Muhammadiyah Vocational School in Banjarmasin City. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling. The sample used amounted to 90 teachers. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire and observation techniques. While the data analysis techniques used statistical tests, regression analysis, T test and F test. The results showed that: (1) there was a relationship between school culture with OCB of Banjarmasin Muhammadiyah Vocational School teachers, (2) there was a relationship between work motivation and OCB teachers Muhammadiyah vocational school in Banjarmasin, (3) The relationship between school culture and work motivation together with OCB of Muhammadiyah Vocational School teachers in Banjarmasin. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that there is a relationship between school culture and work motivation with OCB which means that the school culture and quality work motivation will increase the OCB of the teacher.


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school culture, work motivation, organizational citizenship behavior

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