Saziso Mukomana


Well planned and strategized microteaching could be an effective component in cultivating and grooming a competent, reflective and skilful teacher who has a kaleidoscopic perception and critical thought about pedagogy. Even though important, microteaching blueprint and all its comprehensive components in most microteaching exercises are not compulsively given adequate emphasis and action, leading to insufficient apprehension. Through inductive and deductive analysis of gathered data from published literature complemented by microteaching exercise observations the study found out four major challenges which hamper effective planning, implementation and management of competent based microteaching. These challenges include lack of dedication and inadequacies of time allocated to microteaching and deficits of applying blueprint microteaching pedagogical knowledge, limited subject content knowledge and deliberate application of theoretical concepts in practical teaching. Qualitative research methodologies, mainly the historical-pedagogical-philosophical anthropology criteria of analysing documents content gathered through purposive and snowball selection from internet and libraries, were used to find out microteaching challenges. Reviewed, analysed and synthesized literature revealed that most trainee teachers who undergo an extensive microteaching exercise display skilful and effective teaching practices. However, observations revealed that whilst micro-teaching was relevant, it was undermined, underutilised, given limited time, resources, inadequately prepared for whilst its mark did not contribute to the final teaching practice summative grade. In some cases it was observed that student teachers are not critically and sequentially exposed to all microteaching blueprint cycles. The study concluded that even though taken for granted microteaching was a pivotal strategy for making student teachers appreciate the historical development of pedagogical theory and practice, criticism, reflection, self-examination, peer-review, the discourse relation of merging theoretical epistemologies to pragmatic pedagogy and above all to be exposed to classroom realties as well as gain confidence. The study therefore, recommended adherence to microteaching cycles and adequate time allocation for unhurried microteaching practice.


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microteaching, teacher education, kaleidoscopic opportunity, theoretical epistemologies and pragmatic pedagogy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v0i0.2365


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