In this study, we calculate the minimum energy values of candidate science teachers’ knowledge on the subject of electricity using 11 open-ended questions to measure their procedural knowledge. The goal is to enhance the teaching processes of candidate teachers by calculating the minimum amounts of energy that they consume, do not consume, and are expected to consume in the process of converting data into knowledge. It is important to know the energy that the people in the training process are spending or willing to spend, especially in getting information and measurement-evaluation. This energy will be calculated by information theories. In these calculations, energy equality of a biological unit will be used. The "bit" value in the energy calculations of the information theories will be determined by the VDOIHI statistical method. We find that candidate teachers’ energy consumption is focused on success, and that they should consume more energy in independent variables to ensure the permanence of this success by converting knowledge into understanding. Efficiency is of primary importance in energy planning, and can be enhanced in problem solving techniques by developing methods in accordance with energy plans that prescribe the volume of energy to be consumed in independent variables.
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