The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a critical step in a child’s life. According to Brofenbrenner, different systems influence an individual’s development. The Microsystems (parents, school) can impact the child's development immediately and directly. Interconnections between the Microsystems (Mesosystem), such as interactions between the family and teachers, can influence children’s development and also provide them with the proper preparation for their transition from kindergarten to primary school. The purpose of this research is to evaluate parent-teacher communication and the role of parents in the transition of their children from kindergarten to primary school. In an effort to make new suggestions for enhancing this transition, the quality and frequency of this communication, such as the evaluation of their children’s abilities and skills, are thoroughly examined. Data collection was based on structured interviews of 16 parents of children undergoing this transition period and 6 kindergarten teachers. The subject of this study was Thessaloniki and the samples were taken from 5 different schools. The findings of this research reveal that the role of parents in this process can be significant. Parents are trying to prepare their children for their transition by offering them opportunities to express themselves, take initiatives and be able to take care of themselves. The majority of parents that participated in the research believe that their children are emotionally, educationally and socially prepared for their transition to primary school. Furthermore, teachers are trying to equip children with all required skills for a successful shifting despite the difficulties they may encounter. Although the findings of this study show that parent-teacher communication occurs on a regular basis, it cannot be considered a positive outcome, since their partnership has not always been effective or substantial. Both parents and teachers should deeply invest in their partnership, in order to ensure that children will earn all benefits from this collaboration.
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