Teachers have to participate actively in formatting reliable human resources in the field of education and set down his capacity as professionals, following the demands of a growing community. Today the quality of education in elementary school in Bukit Batu district has not met the standard that has been set. It is due to the performance of the teacher. For instance, teachers teach with improper planning, the implementation learning which has not been optimal and the technique of evaluation is inappropriate. Therefore it is important to find out any factors that can influence the performance of the teacher. This study is aimed to determine: (1) the correlation between principal’s supervision and the performance of teacher in elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (2) the correlation between teacher’s interpersonal communication and the performance of teacher in elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (3) the simultaneous correlation of principal’s supervision and interpersonal communication of teacher toward the performance of elementary school in Bukit Batu district. The method used is descriptive method with the correlation technique. The population of this study is 136 teachers of the elementary school in Bukit Batu district, Palangkaraya City. By using the proportional random sampling technique it was obtained 102 teachers as the sample. A Likert scale questionnaire was a technique used to collect the data of the variable of principal's supervision, teacher's interpersonal communication and teacher's performance. The instrument test was conducted by using the validity test and reliability of data, while the normality test and linearity one were used to examine the requirement test of data analysis. To determine the correlation between each variable of the study, it was conducted by using product moment Pearson correlation and multiple correlations with the application program of SPSS 20.00. The results of this study show that: (1) there is a correlation between the supervision of principal and teacher’s performance of elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (2) there is a correlation between teacher’s interpersonal communication and teacher’s performance of elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (3) there is a simultaneous correlation of the principal’s supervision and interpersonal communication of teacher toward the performance of elementary school in Bukit Batu district. Based on the results it is suggested to: (1) the principal in order to be able to provide guidance to teachers in constructing lesson plan, carry out class visitation, lead teachers about the way to assess student progress, (2) teachers in order to provide instructional materials in accordance with the curriculum, implement the session plan that has been prepared, guide students having problems in learning.
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