This study examined the effect of audio-visual resources as instructional strategy for improving students’ academic achievement in geometry. The design of the study is a quasi-experimental non-equivalent group design. A sample of 123 senior secondary schools II students was drawn from two Model schools in Edo State, Nigeria. Two research questions and three hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance, guided the study. The instruments used for data collection was Geometry Achievement Test (GAT) and Geometry Students’ Interest Inventory Scale (GSIIS). Audio-visual resources instructional approach and conventional lesson plans were developed by the researcher. The instruments were subjected to face and content validation by five experts. The reliability coefficient of GAT was found to be .75 using Kudder Richardson 21 K(R-21) formulae, while GSIIS had a reliability index of .90 obtained using Cronbach alpha method. Mean was used to answer research question while ANCOVA was employed to test the hypotheses. Results from the study showed among others that the utilization of audio-visual resources as an instructional strategy in technical colleges had positive impact on students’ achievement and interest in geometry. It was recommended among others that technical drawing teachers should employ audio-visual instructional strategy in teaching technical drawing especially in geometry as it enhances students’ academic achievement and interest.
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