Vedat Şahin


During the Republican period in Turkey, various arrangements were made regarding the world regional geography syllabi. In this context, with the curriculum of 2005, which forms the overall structure of the geography curriculum in today's secondary education, the understanding of world regional geography has greatly changed. This study is descriptive as well as qualitative data model and document analysis in terms of data gathering techniques. The main objective of the study is to explain the historical development process of countries' geography teaching in the secondary education in Turkey and to set forth the current state of the countries' geography teaching. The study revealed that the current teaching of countries' geography in secondary education has been renewed. In this context, it is revealed that the manner with which the topics related to countries' geography were delivered was aiming to analyse the geographic information, and to achieve progress in an innovative sense.

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geography education, world regional geography, Turkey, syllabus

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v6i1.3576


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