Sevgi Balkan, Coşkun Küçüktepe


The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the remedial program first implemented in primary schools in the 2018-2019 school year on the basis of teacher opinions. To this end, it is attempted to perform a holistic analysis of the opinions of the class teachers implementing the training program in their classes, its implementation stages, the grade levels covered by the program, the content of the book used in the implementation and its applicability, the place and time of the implementation and to provide some insights for future research. In the current study designed as a qualitative study, the purposive sampling method was used and thus, a total of 8 tenured teachers implementing this program in their classes were selected. A semi-structured interview form was prepared to collect data and the data collected through this semi-structured interview form were analysed by using the descriptive analysis and content analysis techniques. The findings obtained from the analysis of the data revealed that the teachers evaluated the general objectives of RPPS as positive, partially positive and negative. Although they did not receive any in-service training while implementing the program, they did not encounter a general problem, and implemented the program in line with the information given to them. The teachers expressed different opinions about the objectives of the program and generally stated that the program should be started from the second grade onwards. The teachers made different comments on the content of the source book prepared for the program according to different modules and gave positive and negative opinions about its applicability. The teachers arranged the implementation steps according to their own knowledge and experience; they found the school suitable for the place of implementation, but they put forward different opinions about the time of implementation. In addition, the teachers presented various ideas on the basis of their experiences during the implementation.

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remedial program, class teachers, primary school, RPPS

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v6i1.3735


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