Engin Dilbaz


In this study, it is aimed to examine adult education policies in Turkey based on the views of managers, teachers, qualified instructors and trainees and to present a conceptual model for a future-based adult education system. The study is a case study and has the single nested case study design. Adult education policies in Turkey, which is the single case of the study; is considered in the dimensions of policy and strategy, organizational structure and implementation. By using semi-structured interview technique in the study, data on the features of a future-based adult education system were collected from a total of 32 managers, teachers, qualified instructors and trainees who played a role in the adult education system in Turkey and were selected through stratified purposeful sampling. Content analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis methods, was used for the analysis of the data. In consequence of the study, certain findings related to the basic features of a future-based adult education system have been reached particularly in the dimensions of policy and strategy, organizational structure and implementation, educational qualifications, human capital education and sustainable development, organizational autonomy, access and participation, teaching methods and techniques and content. As a result of the study, it is suggested for the implementers that a restructuring process should be initiated towards a productive, employable, self-sufficient and sustainable economic structure in adult education. As for the researchers, quantitative and qualitative studies are also recommended in the dimensions of human capital education, sustainable development, global change and developments, and 21st century skills.

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adult education, politics, sustainable development, strategy

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