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Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) was introduced is schools to cater for the demand of employers to have skilled and competent employees who could competent in the world market. The implementation of CBC in schools is facing many challenges; some of them originate from teachers colleges where the preparation of teachers is done to take the roles. The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges teachers colleges face in teaching with CBA. The study employed quantitative and qualitative approaches. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions: what are the challenges of teaching and learning with CBC in teachers colleges? and, what challenges do tutors face in integrating competence based approaches (CBA) in teachers colleges? The findings showed a significant efforts from governmental, institutional, and individual initiatives towards competence based curriculum implementation. However, there are various challenges facing teachers colleges and tutors in teaching and integrating CBC knowledge and skills in the training. The identified challenges include: poor government support, shortage of teaching and learning materials, poor infrastructures, shortage of training opportunities for professional development and lack of follow up activities from curriculum planners. The author’s recommendation is given out for further action to the government, training institutions and education stakeholders to work together for implementing CBC to teachers. As well researchers should work on the suggested area. The study concludes that teachers are not well prepared in colleges for effective CBC implementation in schools due to the aforesaid challenges.


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competence-based curriculum, competence-based approaches, training colleges, tutors, student teachers

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