Cyprian Damianek


"Non-formal adult education" comprises procedures of teaching and education that only to a limited degree are part of the formal, public educational system. Non-formal learning activities are frequently based on private initiatives by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Folk schools are a form of non-formal adult education and are based on fellowship/community and the philosophy of the individual providers. Folk schools were originally schools for adult men and women, which was given a teaching, which aimed to make them good citizens. Over time, the focus was more on personal development, and often specialize individual schools are particularly in parts of this. The main scope of voluntary non-formal adult learning in associations is, taking a starting point in the activity and the binding fellowship, to reinforce non-formal adult knowledge and thus the affiliates’ skill and wish to take an obligation for their own lives and to play a dynamic and engaged part in society.


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non-formal adult education, folk schools, adult education, alternative education


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Korsgaard, O. (2000). Learning and the changing concept of enlightenment: Danish adult education over five centuries. International Review of Education, 46 (3/4), 305 325.

Fain, E.F. (1980). Grundtvig, folk education, and Scandinavian cultural nationalism. Pittsburgh: University Center for International Studies.

Siesto, H. 1998 About Grundtvig, The Grundtvig Foundation and Lifelong Learning Association

The Nordic Folk High School Organizations 1994, The Nordic Folk High Schools

Bacher, Peter and Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen: Green qualifications. In: Social change and adult education research, Adult education research in Nordic countries 1994. Linkoping, 1995.



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