Mediji imaju sve izraženiju ulogu u procesu odgoja i socijalizacije djece i mladih. Medijska socijalizacija označava specifični aspekt razvojnog procesa navedene populacije. Postavlja se pitanje kako u odgoju i razvoju djece i mladih, pod utjecajem medija, nastaje prilagođavanje otvorenih prototipa ponašanja, percepcije, razmišljanja, osjećanja, vrijednosti, utjecaja socijalnih grupa, devijantnog ponašanja, te uopće učinka medija na odgoj djece i mladih. Problem predstavlja činjenica da se suvremeni akteri u odgoju i obrazovanju sve teže nose s kompliciranim zadatcima u savladavanju, kako vještina u korištenju medija, tako i preventivnih programa, (s kojima roditelji, nastavnici, te djeca i mladi trebaju biti upoznati); a sve kako bi se postigla željena koordinacija i komunikacija. Djeca i mladi, doduše, danas imaju veću mogućnost izbora, ali ih prate kriza identiteta, slab utjecaj društvenih vrednota (zajedništva), te nesnalaženje u ubrzanom razvoju tehničke revolucije. Djeca i mladi sve više postaju robovima masovnih komunikacija, ovisnici o internetu (društvenim mrežama, Bloogovima, igranju video-igrica…..). Istraživanje polazi od temeljne hipotze da sastavnici s djecom nedovoljno komuniciraju o korištenju različitih medija, ne upućuju ih na provjeravanje vjerodostojnosti informacija koje saznaju putem medija i ne razvijaju kod djece refleksivno-kritički stav prema medijskim informacijama. U istraživanju je korištena kvantitativna metodologija. Kao metodološki postupak u ovom istraživanju primijenjen je postupak: anketiranja. Rad je predložio različita polazišta za veću senzibilizaciju stručnjaka i roditelja za integriranje nastavnoga predmeta i sadržaja Medijskoga odgoja u suvremeni školski kurikulum.
The media play an increasingly pronounced role in the process of education and socialization of children and young people. Media socialization means a specific aspect of the development process of the mentioned population. The question arises as to how in the education and development of children and young people, under the influence of the media, the adaptation of open prototypes of behavior, perception, thinking, feelings, values, the influence of social groups, deviant behavior, and the general effect of the media on the education of children and young people is created. The problem is the fact that modern actors in upbringing and education are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with complicated tasks in mastering both skills in the use of media and preventive programs (with which parents, teachers, and children and young people should be familiar); and all in order to achieve the desired coordination and communication. Children and young people today have a greater choice, but they are accompanied by an identity crisis, the weak influence of social values (community), and the inability to find their way in the accelerated development of the technical revolution. Children and young people are increasingly becoming slaves of mass communications, addicted to the Internet (social networks, Blogs, playing video games...). The research starts from the basic hypothesis that the constituents do not sufficiently communicate with children about the use of different media, do not direct them to check the credibility of the information they learn through the media, and do not develop in children a reflexive-critical attitude towards media information. Quantitative methodology was used in the research. As a methodological procedure in this research, the following procedure was applied: surveying. The paper proposed different starting points for greater awareness of experts and parents for the integration of the subject and content of Media Education into the modern school curriculum.
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