Fatma Nur Ürekli, Nihat Karaer, Mevlüt Gündüz


The aim of this study is to reveal the level of time management thoughts of pre-service teachers preparing for KPSS. For this purpose, the thoughts of the pre-service teachers about time management were analysed in terms of different variables. In the study, survey method from quantitative research was used to determine the situation. In 2019, pre-service teachers in Isparta and Burdur constituted the study group of the research. Voluntary 408 pre-service teachers participated and expressed their opinions. In the scales applied, 60 scales were not included in the evaluation due to the fact that not all of the sections in the personal information section were not filled in, there were items that were not marked in the second section, and there were double markings in the items. As a result, the study group consisted of 348 pre-service teachers. In this study, Personal Information Form and Time Management Scale were used as data collection tools. In the form, questions about the pre-service teachers' gender, age, department, employment status, marital status, and the duration of preparation for the exam were included. The Time Management Scale used in the study was taken from İşcan's (2008) study and adapted to pre-service teachers preparing for KPSS. İşcan translated and adapted the scale developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) into Turkish. In the analysis of the data, frequency and percentage values were found from descriptive statistics. Since the data were normally distributed, Independent Sample t-test was used to analyse the variables consisting of two categories from parametric tests, and One-Way Analysis of Variance was used when there were more than two groups. The significance level was taken as .05. The following results were obtained in the research: pre-service teachers' thoughts about time management were found to be at "medium" level. While there was a significant difference in the pre-service teachers' thoughts about time management according to gender, marital status, duration of preparation for the exam; there was no significant difference according to age, the department they studied, and employment status.


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time management, pre-service teachers, KPSS

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