Fatmanur Tortop, Elif Bahadır


In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of geometric drawing-construction activities on the self-efficacy beliefs of 7th grade students toward geometry. The study was carried out using the quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test research model. The participants of the research are 30 7th grade students in a secondary school in Istanbul. It is based on the fact that the students have seen all the geometry gains and their volunteering. The data were collected in the classroom environment for 4 weeks, the first week was the “Self-efficacy Scale for Geometry” pre-test, and the second and third weeks were 9 activities including basic geometric drawing-construction, a total of 26 open-ended questions consisting of progressive questions in each activity, and the “Geometry-oriented Self-efficacy Scale” in the fourth week. Self-efficacy Scale was collected in 21 hours by applying the post-test. When the data obtained from the pre-test and post-test were analyzed with the dependent sample t-test, the results were found to be significant. This shows that geometric drawing-construction activity practices affect students' geometry self-efficacy beliefs positively. In line with the findings, suggestions were developed for the application of drawing-construction activities in geometry teaching.


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geometry teaching, 7th grade, drawing-construction activities, self-efficacy belief

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