Nghe Pham Hai Yen, Pham Thi Thanh Mai, Duong Thi Tuong An, Nguyen Vu Thuong, Huynh Minh Nhut, Thai Cong Dan


The overall goal of the project is to understand the awareness or perceptions and practice of students of the High-quality English Studies program, School of Foreign Languages (SFL), Can Tho University (CTU), Vietnam when studying cultures of English-speaking countries (CESCs) to improve intercultural competence. The research on the perspectives or opinions of 200 High-quality English Studies students, 12 of them joining the semi-structured interview, about their awareness and practice through learning CESCs. The analysis would help the researcher understand the difficulties of students when studying cultural modules from English-speaking countries at SFL, CTU. The research results would suggest solutions to overcome the difficulties that students encounter, and at the same time provide factors that contribute to improving the intercultural competence of language students. Also, through the research results, despite many obstacles in the process of absorbing culture from cultural modules, students still retain their interest and love for the course-CESCs. However, it can be seen that the difficulty that many students often encounter is still cultural differences, thereby raising awareness of the need to learn cultures for students. Next is to design teaching materials to become more attractive and attractive, proactively find opportunities to communicate with foreigners.


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cultures of English-speaking countries (CESCs), perspectives, perceptions, practice, high-quality English studies program, Can Tho University

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