The traditional school system included adopting as much information without critical thinking while modern school tends to democratic education that is focused on the development of individual abilities of each student and to develop his critical thinking. In traditional teaching communication the teacher dominates. Such is the autocratic communication which was reflected in a bossy role of teachers while in modern teaching the emphasis is on the student's role and the democratic communication. In pursuing the goal of non-experimental empirical research that we set in our study, we found that there is a statistically significant connection between interpersonal communication in teaching and students' success, and that those students whose teachers mostly used the democratic model of communication in teaching achieved statistically significantly better school achievements than those students whose teachers use mainly the autocratic model of communication. The survey was conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Herzegovina-Neretva Canton) and a sample of 423 respondents (322 students and 101 teachers of primary schools). Through the results, contents and messages of this paper we have tried to make you aware of the importance of this segment of communication in the learning process and as such to make it the subject of everyday questioning and continuous work that should lead to its improvement, and thus to improving the quality of the entire educational process.
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