Nguyen Khanh Ngoc, Nguyen Thi My Thanh


The noteworthy proliferation of English language applications, exemplified by advancements such as the Elsa Speak Application, specifically designed for the pedagogical aspects of English instruction, underscores this trend. This study seeks to scrutinize the benefits and difficulties that non-specialized students in the High-quality program at Can Tho University (CTU) have when they learn English pronunciation through the Elsa Speak Application. To conduct this examination, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 10 participants. The findings reveal that these participants encountered specific advantages and challenges in effectively navigating and utilizing the application. In response to these identified challenges, a set of recommendations has been proffered to enhance the effectiveness of the Elsa Speak Application, with the overarching goal of optimizing English language learning outcomes for students enrolled in the High-quality program at CTU. This research contributes valuable insights into the nuanced experiences and challenges associated with the integration of AI-driven language learning tools within the educational landscape of Industry 4.0.


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Elsa Speak application, students’ challenges, students’ benefits, English Pronunciation learning, Can Tho University

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