Katerina Kokkinaki, Zoe Georgiadou


This study investigates the ways that children feel free to express themselves and communicate with others through their aesthetic development. Multisensory perception helps children to discover their senses and multimodal expression gives them ways and tools to communicate their emotions and ideas, in the way that they want or that they are able to. ‘Box of Senses’ is a collection of objects that each child makes on its own and through it, it has the opportunity to communicate the way he feels the world, within the community to which he belongs. Objects of everyday life reveal that sensory perception can recall memories, ideas, and emotions. But how do our senses interact with linguistic communication? What color is a word and what does a picture taste like? How do the image and writing work are combined together to describe the senses and ultimately communicate one’s experience? Can all these distinct fragments of our everyday sensory experience be narrated by a haiku poem?


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multisensory perception, multimodal communication, playful learning, research action, Haiku poetry

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