Duong Dinh Mai Thi Huynh Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Phuong Hong


In recent years, English has assumed a greater and greater significance in the teaching and learning of languages in Vietnam. Nowadays, most students want to find better jobs with a certificate in a foreign language. As a result, students enroll in the English Center to study VSTEP to reduce career competition. The fact is that teachers create their documents and employ a variety of resources. Nevertheless, the Cambridge Key English KET Test paper is more reliable because it has been accepted by the Ministry of Education and Training (2014) as being similar to the VSTEP level 2. Therefore, the current study intends to investigate whether using KET listening tests can improve listening performance in level 2 VSTEP. This is a quasi-experimental qualitative study with only post-test design. The survey was carried out on 30 non-English major students at a university in An Giang province. Data were then analyzed by using Descriptive Statistics Tests, One-way ANOVA, and One Samples T-Tests in the SPSS software, version 20. The findings showed that students have a positive perception of the effects of using the KET Listening Tests in preparation for VSTEP Level 2 Listening Test. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are also included.


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KET listening tests, level 2 VSTEP, non-English majored, graduation

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