Hoang Van Anh, Thai Cong Dan


With the advancement of technology, social media has been a great learning source in the field of education. This use of social media helps facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and knowledge, fostering a dynamic and stimulating academic environment. It is a great means in the process of EFL learners’ language skill development, especially in speaking. Understanding the impact of social media on students' speaking motivation is essential, therefore, to make the speaking learning process more engaging in the lesson. The study focused on four popular platforms (1) YouTube, (2) TikTok, (3) Facebook and (4) Instagram. The author designed a questionnaire of forty-five items to explore students' perceptions of using social media as authentic learning materials to encourage their speaking motivation. At the same time, the author interviewed students to confirm the students' frequency of using these platforms in their learning process. The study sample consists of 90 EFL students who have taken the six courses from Listening - Speaking B1 to English Public Speaking Courses. The findings revealed that students use social media as authentic learning materials to a significant extent and students had positive perceptions toward their speaking motivation encouragement. It was found a medium correlation between the extent of social media as authentic learning materials impact on students' involvement and students’ perceptions of their involvement. The findings may contribute to the discipline of the speaking method since they not only help students understand the significance of using social media in their speaking motivation encouragement but also help teachers understand students’ perceptions, from which teachers can generate more effective and appropriate social media-based activities in classes for enhancing students’ motivation in speaking.


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social media, authentic learning materials, EFL students’ speaking motivation, impacts of social media, perceptions, Can Tho University

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