Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin, Ma. Aurora T. Caday, Edgardo G. Canda


The study aims to identify the management style and productivity of employees toward organizational outcome. Mixed methods are utilized in the study. It consists of both qualitative and quantitative research design. Likewise, convenience sampling techniques are employed in the study based on the capacity of the researchers. It is a technique that is subjective, selective, and judgmental. The study consisted of one hundred twenty-five (125) respondents only. Results show that management style and productivity of employees toward organizational outcome among the respondents motivate effectively to set goals on transformational management techniques in the organizational outcome, show that authoritative management implements clear expectation and success for well-established objective on management effectively among employees such as SMART goals, maintain open communication and incorporate use objectives and key result area, show that persuasive management builds exercises on idea sharing workshop, specific projects, and challenges for the function and roles of employees in skillset and perspective efforts, and show that transformational management motivates effectively to the set goals on transformational management techniques in the organizational outcome. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the management style and productivity of employees toward organizational outcome as observed among the respondents.


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management style, productivity of employee, organizational outcome, authoritative management, persuasive management, and transformational management

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