The focus of every pedagogical development is to enhance a greater percentage of students’ engagement in mathematics education. Students interest in getting fully involved in mathematical lessons could be influenced by their emotional dispositions possess to appreciate their total commitment to lesson engagement in relation to their academic performance. The study used a cross-sectional quantitative survey design to study the influence of Emotional Dispositional Empathy on Mathematical Engagement (mathematical performance) among Atiwa Senior High School (SHS) students in Ghana, West Africa. Participants across SHS 1, 2 and 3 were selected from the three clustered SHS to take part in the study. The methodology used for the study was the descriptive research design purported to investigate the research questions along the magnitude of qualitative analyses using the Pearson independent chi-square test statistics. The study’s hypothetical test of students’ emotional empathy (SEE) is independent of students' mathematical engagement reflective of their Academic Performance (AP). Students’ emotional disposition is seen to have adverse significant effect of students’ Mathematical engagement. It is concluded however that, to some extent, students emotional empathy (SEE) can results in dislike in mathematics engagement which affect students’ performance of the subject. After careful analyses of the study variables, we recommend that students should not be stressed up in the school or in the house with emotional indicative variables that could trigger students’ emotions and affection in the classroom especially when students are preparing for mathematical lessons. Mathematics educators need to satisfy a paradigm aspect of students’ affective domain so as to bring their affection on board even if they are stressed up emotionally. The used of corporal punishment in the teaching of mathematics should be discourage so as to prevent panic and negative stimulus to elicit emotional distress.
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"Theories of Emotions" by Gregory Johnson, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002,, 16th February, 2017.
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