Due to the swift proliferation of mobile technology, the use of mobile devices, like notebook computers, and mobile phones, as learning tools has offered people the flexibility and convenience to acquire new knowledge anytime and anywhere. In light of this, growing attention has been paid to the critical roles of perceived flexibility advantages in mobile and online learning (Huang et al, 2014). And because of the increasing use of mobile technologies in society and by the younger generation, learners will demand course materials be delivered on mobile technologies to be accessed from anywhere and at any time. At the same time, today’s and tomorrow’s learners will be nomadic and continuously on the move. As learners move from one location to the next, they must be able to use the infrastructure in the different locations to access learning materials. Hence, learning materials must be designed for easy access by the nomadic learners using mobile technology regardless of where they are located and which network infrastructure they are using to access information (Ally, 2007). This paper discusses the following issues: mobile learning and higher education, issues in mobile learning, misconception about mobile learning, and mobile technology and education.
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