Ömer Gökhan Ulum


The aim of this study is to evaluate a state high school EFL Program through CIPP (context, input, process and product) model. The participants of the study include 504 students. The source of data has been obtained through a 46 - itemed questionnaire and an interview for the students. In the study, the data has been analysed using statistical techniques (SPSS 20.0). By looking at the responses to the scales displaying the program components such as context, input, process and product, it was understood that most of the students partly agreed about these components. Yet, regarding the course book of the program, the students mostly did not favour it. Furthermore, the students stated that the course time was too much and they always had the same topics in the courses, as well as hinting on the difficulty of the common exams specified in the program. At the end of the study, some recommendations were taken into consideration such as adjusting the common exams properly, implementing a variety of activities in the courses and shortening the course time in order not to discomfort the students.


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CIPP model; EFL program; evaluation; program; program evaluation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.377


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