Nina Daskalovska, Adrijana Hadzi-Nikolova, Natka Jankova Alogjozovska


The aim of this study is to determine the use of metacognitive listening strategies by EFL (English as a foreign language) learners in the Republic of North Macedonia. The participants in the study were two groups of EFL learners at two stages of language development: intermediate and advanced, in order to determine if the use of listening strategies changes with the development of language proficiency. The instrument used in the study is the MALQ questionnaire that investigates five groups of strategies: problem-solving, planning and evaluation, mental translation, person knowledge and directed attention. The results of the study showed that the students reported having a moderate amount of metacognition with an overall mean of 4.18 for high school students and 4.26 for university students. The Directed Attention, Person knowledge and Problem-solving strategies had higher scores and indicated a high level of awareness of these strategies for both groups, while Mental translation and Planning and evaluation showed an average level of awareness. The results provide valuable information to language teachers about the types of metacognitive listening strategies used by language learners so that they can make the necessary adjustments in their teaching methodology and strategy training of their students.


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language learning, listening, metacognitive strategies, strategy training

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