The aims of this mixed-method action research were: (1) to investigate the effect of feedback provided by MS word processor on EFL learners’ writing accuracy in the context of a university in Iran, (2) to explore whether taking reflective notes (henceforth. RNs) in collaboration with the word processor can modify the effect of such received feedback, and (3) to find out what the participants thought about each treatment. Two intact classes (Advanced Writing) were used, but the classes were randomly assigned to each treatment, called ‘CALL with RNs’ and ‘CALL without RNs’. There were 50 participants altogether who were B.A. English Translation majors. The Straightforward Quick Placement & Diagnostic Test was administered to ensure the participants were homogeneous. Each group received 10-sessions of treatment. Two samples of Task 2 of General Module of IELTS were used for the pretests and posttests. Each essay was scored independently by two raters. The final score consisted of the average score of the two raters. The findings revealed that the feedback provided by MS word processor improved the students’ writing accuracy significantly; however, the ‘CALL with RNs’ group outperformed the other one. To collect qualitative data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant. Generally, the participants in both groups had positive attitudes towards receiving feedback by the word processor. Considering the RNs, the participants also had positive attitudes; nonetheless, there were a few students who didn’t like RNs technique, not because they found it useless, but mainly because of their individual differences.
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