This study investigates the role that education can play in mitigating radicalisation of students. The violent acts of radicalisation have caused diverse effects in education sector in Kenya. The research uses Kant’s philosophy of categorical imperative as its theoretical framework. The theory states that we should always treat people as an end rather than means to an end. The research reveals that the focus on training of highly skilled labour at the expense of instilling values in learners makes it possible for radical elements to target them and use them as means for their political end. As a result of this their dignity is denied. To sort out the problem, the research proposes pedagogical reorientation, a pedagogy that will instill a critical mind to the learners and make them autonomous rather than heteronymous. This study addresses the philosophical approach to the issue of terror and radicalisation of students in schools and how education can be used to tackle the problem. The suggestions given to the study on how to mitigate the threat of radicalisation will benefit the stake holders among them teachers, education managers and guardians. The study can be used to enhance the development of a curriculum that addresses the issue of radicalism in schools. The study also recommends that Kant’s categorical imperative be adopted as a philosophical base for education in Kenya, whereby the curriculum be readjusted to embrace peace education and finally integration of different religions in Kenya so as to be taught as single subject which is to be renamed Religious Studies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1011
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