Descriptive Survey Method has been adopted to collect the required data from the Principals of the Colleges of Education. In line with Stratified Random Sampling Technique, 50 Principals of Colleges of Education from three districts of Tamilnadu state have been chosen for the study. Burnout Inventory for Teachers (Balasubramanian and Abilash Babu, 2009) was used to collect the required data from the sample chosen with regard to Burnout scores. The sample is comprised of male and female Principals with the age range between 30+ and 50 and above working in rural and urban areas. Descriptive, differential and correlation studies have been adopted to analyze the data. It is found that there is significant difference at 0.05 level between the means on the scores of Depersonalization of the Principals of Colleges of Education located at rural and urban areas. The mean value of the Principals of the urban area has been found to be greater than that of the those of the rural area. Hence, it is concluded that locality of the college has certain influence on the Depersonalization of the Principals. It is also found that there is no significant difference between the means of the scores of the Principals of Colleges of Education on various dimensions of their Burnout irrespective of their sex and marital status as well as the locality and type of college of education. Hence, it is concluded that sex and marital status of the Principals and the location and type of the colleges have no significant influence on the different dimension of Burnout. It is also found that there is significant and positive correlation at 0.01 level among the scores of various components of Burnout of the Principals of Colleges of Education viz. Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Reduced Personal Accomplishment and the Burnout total score. Hence, it is concluded that there has been significant and positive correlation among the various components of Burnout of the Principals of Colleges of Education. It means that the sense of wearing out, the emotional separation from the clients and the feeling of not achieving the set goals among the Principals are mutually influencing the other. Higher in one component of Burnout will result higher in other components also.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1020
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