This paper reviews literature on selected pedagogical practices with a view to making recommendations on how teacher training colleges in Kenya could employ collaborative pedagogies in instruction in order to nurture teacher trainees with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that prepare them to effectively facilitate learning in schools after pre-service training. Collaborative pedagogies have the advantage of developing learners with 21st century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and innovation. The skills enable them to confront the numerous societal challenges emanating from the dynamic technology. Further, with technology support, the pedagogies promote inclusive education through individualized learning that is personalized and self-directed. The paper recommends that the Teacher education programme in Kenya should embrace reforms in curricula and teaching methods to facilitate use of pedagogical practices that develop teacher trainees with the skills needed in today’s vast society. This could prepare them to offer holistic quality and relevant education that can contribute to the development of the society.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1229
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