The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between mental endurance and leadership levels of the candidates who are studying in Erciyes University School of Physical Education and Sports Inspection. The student's universe consists of 436 students of Physical Education and Sports. As means of data collection in the survey were used Mental (psychological) endurance scale, Leadership orientation scale and Personal information form. Statistical analyzes were performed with the SPSS 20.0 package of data obtained from Personal Information Form, Mental (Psychological) endurance and Leadership orientation scale. The personal information and inventory total scores and factor scores for the candidates were determined by determining frequency (f) and percent (%) values. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine whether Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation analysis (r) and their scores were predictive in order to reveal the relationship between scores obtained from the scales. (Β). While there is a low level of positive relationship between self-confidence and human resources framework and negative environmental and structural environmental scores, there was no significant relationship between attention control, visualization, level of motivation, positive energy and attitude control scores, structural environment, human resources framework, political environment and symbolic environmental scores. The model presents a meaningful relationship between negative energy and leadership orientations. When the t-test results on the significance of the regression coefficient are examined, structural environment leadership orientation, mental stability and 13% of the total variance. There was no significant relationship between self-confidence, attention control, visualization, motivation level, positive energy and attitude control, and leadership orientation, and mental stability was not predictive of leadership orientations. As a result; It is thought that the individuals with high mental stability show effective leadership behaviors and the positive attitudes and behavioral behaviors demonstrated by the leadership strengthen the mental endurance of the individuals.
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