The study investigated the effect of class classification, class size and gender on academic performance. Specifically, the objectives of the study was to evaluate the effect of class classification, class size and gender on academic performance of senior secondary school students in Mathematics and English Language. However, three research questions and hypothesis were designed to guide the study. The study employed expo-facto research design and purposeful sampling technique which is stratified in nature in selecting all one-hundred and eighty nine (189) Grade II (SSS II) students participated in the Unified Promotion Examination (UPE) conducted by Osun State Ministry of Education in May, 2017. In this regards, Grade II students’ scores in Mathematics and English Language was used to proxy academic performance which are disaggregated into three strata such as class stream (Science, Art and Commercial), gender (female and male) and class size (large class size and small class size). Inferential statistics such as t-statistics was used to analyse the generated data. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference between the academic performance of students in Science and Art stream, Science and Commercial stream and Art and Commercial stream while significant difference existed in the academic performance of students in English Language between Science and Commercial stream as well as Art and Commercial stream respectively but in favour of Science class and Art class. The study also indicated that there was no significant difference in the performance of students in both Mathematics and English Language not only on the basis of the number of the students allocated into a class (Class size) but also gender quality (female or male). It was concluded that the explanatory variables such as class classification, class size and gender are not only the necessary condition in determining academic performance among students but also work hand-in-hand with other factors in order to guarantee favourable academic performance. The study recommended intensification of efforts by school authority towards monitoring of students in doing class work, assignment, punctuality in school and re-visitation of the classroom instructional practice by the teachers among others.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1271
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