Poor performance of students in Biology has been attributed generally to factors relating to the home, school and the students themselves. Previous studies have investigated personality type and learning style preferences in relation to students’ achievement in tertiary institutions rather than at the secondary school level. This study was therefore conducted to examine the effects of Myer’s Briggs personality type- ESTJ (Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) and VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) learning style preferences on students’ achievement in Biology at the Senior Secondary School (SSS) level. Three instruments [Cognitive Type Inventory (CTI), VAK Learning Style Indicators (VLSI), and Biology Achievement Test (BAT)] were administered on 1,480 SSS II Biology students. The results were presented using path analysis and multiple regressions. It was established that five hypothesized predictor variables (age, extroversion, sensing, thinking and kinesthetic) had direct effects on Biology achievement. On the other hand, only three hypothesized predictor variables (gender, age and thinking) had indirect effects on Biology achievement. However, sensing and kinesthetic preferences had the most significant direct effects on Biology achievement. Also, sensing had the highest total causal effect on Biology achievement. Students should be encouraged to develop improve and exhibit sensing and kinesthetic preferences when learning Biology.
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