The study aimed at assessing how teachers’ mastery of practical Geography skills influenced A-level students’ acquisition of these skills. The sample comprised 744 respondents including 60 teachers and 672 students. Data was analyzed using one–way ANOVA and the t-Test using SSPS data analysis package (16.0 version). Qualitative data was analyzed using descriptions in themes deciphered in the course of the study. Majority of the teachers and students lacked requisite skills to in practical geography. There was a significant relationship between teachers’ mastery of skills and students’ acquisition of these skills. Both teachers and students found difficulties in interpreting photographs and map, and in using field and statistical data. It was concluded that many teachers and students lack sufficient skills in A-level practical geography. There is need to strengthen preservice and in-service teacher training focusing on teaching strategies, mastery of the skills in practical Geography and field work activities.
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