This study attempts to determine the effect of self-efficacy beliefs on English preparatory students’ existing capacities via the use of quantitative and qualitative methods within methodological pluralism (a combination of meta-analysis, descriptive survey, and qualitative document analysis plus action research). In the quantitative phase of the research, both meta-analytic method and descriptive method were used. In the meta analytic method, the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis statistical program was used to compute the effect size values of the included studies (N= 12) with the pretest-posttest control group model and carried out between 2000 and 2017 in national and international level. In the descriptive research of the study, the English Self Efficacy Beliefs Scale was used on English preparatory students (N= 117) to determine the effect of self-efficacy beliefs on their language skills. In the qualitative part of the study, data collected both through document analysis (N=7) from the included studies and through semi-structured interviews applied to English preparatory students (N= 58) were analysed via the Maxqda 11 program. The quantitative and quantitative results of the study are consistent and suggest that while self-efficacy beliefs on English learning is high, in terms of using the four skills, listening and speaking are the ones that the participants exhibit the weakest self- efficacy beliefs respectively.
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