Technology integration requires every teacher to become skilled and competent users of computer technology in the delivery of the lesson alongside with their content and pedagogical expertise. Anchored on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (Mishra & Koehler 2006), this cross-sectional correlational study aimed to investigate the technological pedagogical content knowledge of the secondary school mathematics teachers in the Division of Southern Leyte. Using an adapted standardized instrument, this study found out that mathematics teacher equipped with the necessary technological pedagogical content knowledge are generally novice, young and single female teacher who are knowledgeable in technology and technology integration and very knowledgeable in content and pedagogy. Regression analysis determines technological knowledge and technological content knowledge significantly predicts Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge among mathematics teachers. The study concludes that strong and significant knowledge on technology, pedagogy and content and their interrelatedness defines teachers’ creativeness and effectiveness in developing and delivering new mode of representations and solutions of mathematical content and problems making them responsive to the 21st century learners, and thereby recommends to strengthen mathematics teachers’ knowledge through continuous attendance to conferences and/or workshops on technology-integration in mathematics classroom.
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