Joseph Munyoki Mwinzi


The world perceives religion as the maxim that can define human destiny in terms of eternal bliss. However, in Kenya, it is obvious that religion is expressed through many denominations and religious beliefs. The implication is that religion has influenced social and ethical diversity either positively or negatively such that the outcome has configured or disfigured the existential destiny of individuals in Kenya. As a result, philosophical questions arise as an attempt to understand why erroneous interpretations of religion and religious beliefs negatively influence social and ethical outlook in Kenya. An existential slant portrays how different forms of religion and religious perspectives have facilitated even extreme notions such as militia activities. In addition, reasonable progress towards a solution requires an appropriate existential basis of what can be done to control unnecessary influence of religion in social and ethical diversities that can exploit the society, instill negative interpretation of reality, and culminates at distorting the society.


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religion, social, ethics, diversity, religious beliefs

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