The purpose of this study is to obtain the strategic model of seafarer human resource development which is able to be competitive (A case study in National Maritime Secondary School Purwokerto). This study employed qualitative naturalistic design and phenomenology method or impressionistic method and ethnography method. This study confirms that strategic management of human resources promotes a motivation in accordance with the planning. Meanwhile, education quality can be improved by encouraging instructor integrity, school readiness in providing laboratory, instructors training and education to foster better performance and professionalism. Within the component of human resource development, it calls for demonstrating various skills such as operating computer, sewing, accounting, etc. The implementation of strategic management of human resources is rather costly and it can be a burden of the students as a simulator of private maritime education institution. The elements which are essential in improving the quality of education are qualified instructors, the availability of facilities and media, and financial support. Quality improvement is performed to accomplish integrated quality management using top management comprehensively based on collectivism values, responsibility, awareness, willingness, affection, truth, and transparency.
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