The aim of this study was examining the relationship between educational beliefs and techno-pedagogical education proficiency of candidate teachers. In this study, relational screening model was used. The universe of the study was determined as the candidate teachers having been studied in Faculty of Education at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in 2017-2018 autumn semester and the sampling consisted of 558 candidate teachers. At the end of the study, it was found that candidate teachers internalized existentialist educational belief at most. It was seen that educational beliefs had significant difference in terms of gender, department and grades. With regard to techno-pedagogical education proficiency, candidate teachers found themselves highly sufficient. Although techno-pedagogical education proficiency of candidate teachers had not mean difference in terms of gender and department, it had a mean difference for grades. It was finally stated that there was a low level of positive correlation between techno-pedagogical education proficiency and educational beliefs of candidate teachers.
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