The game is a need and development tool for the child. Games and children are two terms always mentioned together and they have always been associated in education and learning. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which the words of the Body Parts unit intended to be given to primary school students in the second grade by using the teaching method of playing game, by means of the designed "My Monster", and to measure the attitudes of the children to the game. The findings of the study have proved that ‘My Monster’ game has increased the achievement level of the students and the children have exhibited a positive attitude towards the game. The attitudes of teachers and students towards gaming are positive and do not change with regard to gender. At this point, it may be concluded that a game embracing all the children irrelevant of the gender variable is effective.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1513
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