It is inevitable to receive technology support for teacher training activities in this new era in which technology is at large in our lives. Sufficiency in terms of TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) is among the basic conditions for being qualified teachers. For this reason, activities for teacher candidates' TPACK development should be involved in teacher training activities. TPACK expresses a combined knowledge, so complex activities should be consulted to increase this accumulation of knowledge. In this direction, the process of designing instructional materials allows learning by design and can address all of this integrated knowledge. In this study, in math education department of a state university in Turkey, a research was conducted with 19 teacher candidates studying in the third grade. Teacher candidates have been assigned tasks for designing materials they can use in their lessons. Before starting the tasks, all the teacher candidates filled out the TPACK scale (Schmidt et al., 2009) and pre-test data were generated. Among the task steps that were carried out, the prospective teachers shared the developmental stages of the material with their friends and enriched the materials in the direction of their comments. To gain more time, presentations and interpretations are conducted through a closed Facebook group. At the end of material development process which was carried out by sticking to learning by design principles, the TPACK scale was re-applied to all the teachers and the post test data of the study was obtained. Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there was a significant difference between the two tests and that all the teacher candidates increased their total scores. As a result of the study, it was found that the process of material development carried out by learning by design framework leads to a positive change in TPACK of teacher candidates.
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