This research aims to examine the art literacy levels of prospective classroom teachers according to their grades, gender, whether they like reading art books and whether they like doing research in the library. A total of 148 prospective classroom teachers (103 females and 45 males) at the third and fourth grades in the department of classroom teaching at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University constitute the sample of the research. The '' Art Literacy Scale'' developed by Yücetoker (2014) was used as the data collection tool. This research has been designed in the causal-comparative model. Independent group t-test and one-way variance analysis techniques were used for the data analysis. At the end of the research, no significant difference was found between art literacy levels in terms of grade. In terms of gender, there was no significant difference in using art literacy information, defining information needs, transferring information to performance, but there is a significant difference in reaching art literacy information. Male students' levels of reaching art literacy information were found to be higher than that of female students. In terms of whether they like reading art books, there was a significant difference in using information, describing the need for information, and transferring information to performance but there was no significant difference in reaching art literacy information. In terms of liking to do research in the library, there was no significant difference in using art literacy information, describing the need for information and reaching information while the level of transferring art literacy information to performance was found to be higher in students who are interested in doing research in the library.
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