In this study, the life skill levels of undergraduate students of Mustafa Kemal University in 2016-2017 academic year were compared to that of students receiving pedagogical formation education in the same term. For this purpose, 75 students receiving pedagogical formation training and 242 undergraduate students, total of 317 students participated in the research. The life skill levels of students were determined by using Life Skills Scale comprising 5 factors, the groups were compared in terms of each factor and total points. Also analysis of gender, age, marital status of parents, the location at which most of the lifespan covered were used as variables to evaluate the change in life skills level, then the groups were compared according to the findings. According to the Descriptional Statistics, ANOVA, Independent Groups t Test results that are evaluated through the obtained data; the “Life Skills”, “Skills of Overcoming Emotions and Stress”, “Emphaty Establishment and Self-awareness Skills”, “Decision-making and Problem solving Skills” “Creative and Critical Thinking Skills” “Communication and Interpersonal Relations Skills” of pedagogical formation students were found to be significantly higher than that of undergraduate students. Besides, it was seen that life skill levels of both groups do not vary with gender, and while the age variable was not functional in the life skill levels of formation students, it was influential in the life skill levels of undergraduate students. The marital status of parents (divorced parents) had significant effect on undergraduate students and no significant effect on pedagogical formation students, the place where most of the lifespan was covered had no significant effect on the life skill levels of both groups of students.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1582
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