The aim of this study is to identify the effect of using discourse analysis method on the skills of reading comprehension, textual analysis, creating discourse and use of language. In this study, the authentic test model with pre-test and post-test control group was used in order to determine the difference of academic achievement between experimental group, with which discourse analysis method in literature teaching was used and of control group, where traditional teaching methods used. Moreover, students’ opinions and thoughts on the use of discourse analysis method in literature teaching were also gathered. In the analysis of quantitative data, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency, t-test for dependent samples and t-test for independent samples were used. Students’ opinions and thoughts on the use of discourse analysis method in language and literature teaching were gathered through video-recording and transcribed to analyze through descriptive and content analysis approaches. The study group of the research consists of 11th grade students of Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory School in 2014-2015 Academic year, 20 (11/A) students of experimental group and 24 (11/B) students of control group. The data of the study were gathered through achievement tests, video-recording, student identification and classroom observation; developed by the researcher in accordance with quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Within this scope, an “achievement test” in order to evaluate students’ readiness level; a “student identification form” to get information about students and interview to identify students’ opinions on the use of discourse analysis method in literature teaching were conducted. As a result of this study, it can be affirmed that in experimental group, who used discourse analysis method, skills of reading comprehension, textual analysis and use of language were improved in addition to their academic success. When the process of applying discourse analysis method and its findings were examined, it can be concluded that this method helps students to develop their skills of reading comprehension, textual analysis, use of language, critical thinking, evaluative thinking, analysis and synthesis and provides environments in which meaningful and permanent learning can be achieved, can be transferred to and used in other areas. Additionally, it is very effective on students, increases students’ active participation in lessons by making lessons more enjoyable, supports personal development of students by contributing to their social and communication skills. Thus, cognitive and affective developments of students were developed, which provides a holistic approach to educational practices.
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