After independence, Tanzanian government had made various efforts of changing the educational system in various periods to suit the world changes needs. Among the efforts is that of integration of information communication technology (ICT) in various levels of education. Currently, Tanzania has finalized its information Communication Technology (ICT) policy…. for basic education which incorporates the integration of ICT in pre-primary, primary, and secondary education. This paper intended to assess parent’s perception on Integration of Information Communication Technology in education in preprimary level and to examine the influence of Integration of Information Communication Technology in education on parent’s preprimary school choice in Tanzania. The data were collected from 5 parents with children in private pre-primary schools in urban Njombe. The study revealed that most parents who send their children in private pre-primary schools in Njombe perceive ICT as very important for their children’s future life, and also the parents do choose private pre-primary school by considering the ICT facilities as the factor for their choice. The findings revealed that apart from parents having a positive perception on ICT most schools have insufficient infrastructure for teaching and learning ICT and also parents are worried on the proper control of ICT use from their children. This is an implication that the situation forces the integration of ICT in education but the stakeholders are not yet fully prepared. The study recommends the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training (MoESTVT) to fast track the ICT infrastructure in both private and public schools for all levels of education starting with pre-primary schools as a foundation of all other levels and involve all educational stakeholders especially parents.
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