The purpose of this descriptive study is to examine respect level of the undergraduate students for differences according to the various variables such as gender, department and foreign language preparation class education. The participants of the study consisted of 242 students studying at Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey in the spring term of 2016-2017 academic year. Simple random sampling method was used in selecting the participants. To collect the data, a “Respect of Difference Survey” developed by Öksüz and Güven (2012) was used. The survey consists of three subscales of ‘informational’, ‘social categories’ and ‘value’ differences. In the analyses, firstly, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means, and standard deviations were computed to display the subjects’ overall responses to the respect level for differences. Secondly, t-test was conducted in order to determine whether there were any significant differences in respect level of undergraduate students for respect in terms of gender, department and prep class education variables. It has been found that undergraduate students have a high respect level for differences.
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