The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of school feeding programme on enrolment and retention rates in public pre-primary schools in Sigor Division, Chepalungu District, Bomet County. Sigor division has low enrollment rates of children in pre-school; it is also evident that there are drop outs. The research was carried out in Sigor Division in Chepalungu District in the 56 public preschools amongst pre-school teachers, pre-school SMC chairpersons and head teachers. The main objectives of the study included establishing availability of feeding programme and its effects on enrolment rates and retention, finding out how management and effectiveness of school feeding programmes affects enrolment and retention rates and also to give suggestions on how the feeding programmes could be improved so as to enhance enrolment and retention rates. The study was guided by Abraham Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs, this theory postulates that SFP motivate and attract learners to enroll in preschool and be retained upto the end of the school calendar. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The target population was 560 subjects including 56 Head teachers 112 teachers and 56 SMC chairpersons. Data was collected by use of questionnaires, observation check list and interview schedule. Data collected was analyzed for descriptive statistics (percentage, means and frequencies). Pre-school teachers, parents, Ministry of Education, health sector players and other key stakeholders in early childhood development and education sector may use the information collected to enhance the effectiveness of the feeding programmes as a strategy for improving enrolment and retention rates. Data was analyzed using statistics (frequencies and percentages), the findings revealed that there are 26 pre-schools with SFP, while 30 pre-schools did not have the said programmes. There were 147 teachers and headteachers who responded and also 56 chairpersons, making total respondents 203. Most of the teachers and head teachers were male and likewise to chairpersons. The feeding modality in the schools with SFP was the school meals. Majority of teachers were of the opinion that SFP affects enrollment rates positively. It was evident that enrollment was low prior to implementation of SFP and changed to high upon implementation. Findings showed that SFP is effective in enhancing enrollment and retention rates. The biggest challenge to SFP as per findings include: - poverty, parental attitude and hardship area climatically. Chairpersons recommended education of parents as a way of enhancing SFP majority of teachers and head teacher mentioned parents and school committee as responsible for funding SFP. The study concluded that SFP exist in 26 schools out of 56. It also concluded that low enrollment rates and retention are caused by absence of SFP among other factors. It also concluded that effective management is recommended to achieve the objectives of school feeding programme. It also recommends that parents need to be educated on the importance SFP and also be empowered economically. The other recommendation is that there should be effective management of SFP for positive results. The study finally suggests further study to understand other factors affecting enrollment rates and retention.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1620
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