The study sought to investigate the influence of peer group on the behaviour of Secondary School Students in Udi Education Zone of Enugu State Nigeria. The study as guided by three research questions and to null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted survey research design. The population for the study comprised 3,011 SS1 to SS3 students from 53 Government owned Secondary Schools for the study. The researcher administered the research instrument generated the respondents. The data collected from the respondents were analysed using Mean statistics drawn from the responses of male and female senior secondary school students to the questionnaire item. Four point likert scale was used to measure the opinion of the respondents, such that after the statistical analysis those items of questionnaire that has the Mean rate of 2.5 and above were regarded as great extent that peer group has influence on students behaviours, while questionnaire item with the mean below 2.5 were regarded as little extent, that peer group has no influence on students behaviors. The findings of the study revealed that peer group has a great influence on students reading habits, dressing, and sexual behaviours. The implications of the findings is that if the activities of the peer groups are not properly monitored by all the concerned persons such as parents, school counselors, school administrators and teachers, it will affect their academic achievements. The researcher recommended that the activities of the peer group should be carefully checkmated to reduce the manifestation of risky behaviour among secondary schools students. In addition, sex education should be encouraged in all secondary schools in Udi Education Enugu State in Nigeria.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Egbo Anthonia Chinonyelum, Celestina N. Okechi, Emmanuella Egbo Chinonye

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